My Favourite Books
I have a few books that I love to do with fashion, make-up, hair and accessories, and I thought I would share them with you.
This book is about vintage accessories, I am partial to vintage myself, so I love this book. It informs you about the accessories and tells you how you can make your own at home. I got it from HobbyCraft in England.
'The Measure' is a book my Aunt and Uncle gave to me, its really interesting if you're into fashion. The book looks at how London has changed over time, and how fashion has influenced the city. It was originally meant to be about the London College of Fashion, but Louise Clarke decided to look at London as a whole. Its a really lovely book and has some great images too.
This book is great for tips on beauty and hair, I personally love Bobbi Brown cosmetics, although they are pricey, I think that the quality of the make-up is worth it. There are some really great tips for make-up for different face shapes and different coloured eyes, as well as advice for different kinds of hair. I got this book for my birthday from the Bobbi Brown store in Dubai Mall.
This book is about vintage accessories, I am partial to vintage myself, so I love this book. It informs you about the accessories and tells you how you can make your own at home. I got it from HobbyCraft in England.
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