Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Hi everyone! I know I have been distant from you recently, I have been so busy skiing and revising for my January exams (urgh!). So, while I was in France I wasn't able to take any pictures of my outfits, as a lot of the time I was skiing, and studying in the afternoon, then I'd shower and get ready and go down to dinner, by which point I was pretty tired and just talked with family and friends and played games, which is pretty much what Christmas is about, right? Anyway, I put my coat and hat on when I got back over here to show you guys how I looked when I was downtown and around and about! I hope you enjoy! 

P.S. I just got an offer from my first choice of Uni to study Fashion Management! Yaaay :D 
I love my red coat so much, it kept me toasty warm while looking fabulously stylish! (New Look)

I got this hat for Christmas and I love it so much! :D It's a cat, and for those of you who know me you guys know how much I love cats, as well as cows, but that's a different story! Haha :D. The hat is from Lipsy. 


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