I thought I would do a post about 'Toms' shoes because I absolutely love them! Firstly of all, they are super charitable, when you buy a pair of Toms shoes, a pair is given to a child in need in countries all over the world, which is why 'One for One' is their slogan. Secondly, they are really comfortable, and I wore mine pretty much all summer! And lastly, being the crazy animal lover that I am, they offer a Vegan shoe, which is made totally without any animal products! I have two pairs myself, a 'summer pair' that are really bright and colourful, and a winter pair which have darker colours. My mum also has a pair of the wedges, which I think are pretty cool too!
My summer pair and really bright and colourful, perfect for spicing up any summery outfit.
When you buy any pair of Toms, you are also given a 'flag' which doubles as a bag for your shoes! As well as a sticker to stick anywhere you like :) . I love them, and I hope you guys do too :D
They have loads of different styles of shoes, not just the shape I have, and they have also started selling eye-wear too! Check it out :)
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